About the Yoga

yoga-sun-salutation-surya-namaskar2I was introduced to yoga in the early 2000 by one of my daughter’s teachers.  This wise teacher clearly saw that the stress of daily life, of the busy world of the legal industry was taking its toll on me.  I began to practice on a regular basis, reading books and learning all that I could about this wonderful system of moving the body and connecting the mind.

Life continued to be a busy corporate world until 2010 when we up and moved our family to Vancouver Island. At that time I began to work on contract for law firms, and was able to spend more time practicing yoga.  I sought out and found a yoga teacher training program in Victoria, and completed my 300 hr certification with Ajna Yoga.  Recognizing the the benefits that yoga had had on me in my past corporate life, I continued to learn and expand my knowledge of yoga.

LogoI created Random Acts of Yoga in early 2012, deciding that this would be my way of giving back to the community – to “Be the Change” that I wished to see in world.

I am grateful to all of the teachers that I have practiced with. I am grateful for having lived in a City where yoga is very much a part of the culture and I am grateful that I am now able to enrich the lives of those around me by sharing my passion for yoga.

Namaste… Suze

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